Thaba Bashiu Ridge Hiking Bike Trail.jpg

Maseru 2050 Urban Plan - Green System Conceptual Master Plan

Maseru, Lesotho | 2020

Collaborators: Albonico Sack Metacity Architects & Urban Designers | COWI | MMA Studio

Client: Maseru City Council

The Green System Conceptual Master Plan (GSCMP) for Maseru forms one component of the larger Maseru 2050 Urban Plan.

The report comprises information, guidelines and proposals from various sources, agencies and organisations that can be used for the background, planning, implementation, and management and maintenance of a GSCMP in Maseru, Lesotho.

It presents proposals for high-level planning – using a new Green System as the structuring element for future development in Maseru, as well as more detailed implementation strategies. Using a new Green System as the foundation for future development means Maseru’s green and blue (watercourses and waterbodies) assets are truly acknowledged and conserved during the planning and implementation of developments.

Thaba Bashiu Ridge Hiking Bike Trail.jpg
Existing open space network.jpg
Proposed open space network.jpg
Maseru greenway development (4 tiles).jpg